What's the difference between selling an ice cream maker and an ice cream maker that is made by hand?

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1. Different expansion rate

Ice cream is not required to be hardening during production. The expansion rate of ice cream is between 30% to 60 percent. It can generally be made using an ice cream maker and sold. Utilizing only the automated ice cream maker, the expansion rate can reach about 30% in general. If it's a more powerful machine, the rate of expansion will be greater. The ice cream maker that is manual could increase the expansion rate by up to 50% or 100% based on the method used to mix ice cream despencer. The purpose of hardening is to make it easier to pack and move. This is the main distinction between them in their use

3. Diverse nutritional components

Most often, soft ice cream contains greater (about 1.6 times) nutrients than the equivalent amount of hard ice cream Soft frozen ice cream, without the need for hardening, is more oily and sweet.

4 blender with dispenser. Different freezing temperatures

Soft ice cream has a center temperature of - 5 and hard icecream is 15.

5. Different time for eating

Soft ice cream can be consumed as finished products or mixed with other products. You can create different kinds of sundaes with different sauces, Blizzard Ice Cream is made with various spices, and hard ice cream needs to be cured before it can be consumed.

6. Different feeding techniques

Automatic ice cream selling machines have a distinct discharge mode than manual ones. The automatic selling machine for ice cream strikes ice cream via the discharging head. It is able to make delicious ice cream out of any material that is accessible. Manual ice cream makers are an intermittent whole-cylinder discharge. They aren't able to be pressed out like automatic ice-cream machines, therefore the methods of discharge can be quite different.

7. Different taste

The different flavors are present in the ice cream produced using an automated selling icecream machine and the manual icecream maker. Ice cream produced by an automated selling ice cream machine has a very smooth and creamy taste. You can pick different tastes. The taste of the manual ice cream machines will be slightly heavier. The ice cream created by both machines will be very different in taste and quality.

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